My cousin's daughter plays basketball. Technically, my cousin plays basketball. More technically, my cousin's son's daughter, which would make her my cousin. Because I don't like to get lost in the degrees, it just seems silly.
Anyway, my cousin (the father of my cousin who plays basketball, not my cousin the basketball player... to make things easier we will just call my cousin the father of the basketball player daddio, and my cousin the basketball player Hoopstar, that will be easier.).
Anyway, Daddio put a video of Hoopstar taking some foul shots of Facebook. Since I love to make little videos, I asked him (Daddio) if I could make a video of his video. Being a decent human being he said yes.
Making a video is an all consuming thing for me. It has to go through two or three, or in this case 4 different apps. One of which was brand new, cost two dollars and was bought specifically for this video production. It is called Crop and Zoom, and it is a fantastic little program that allows you to zoom in on parts of the video, and back out. It is amazing.
Anyway, the real hard part is finding the right song. This can take days. Sometimes you know going in what song will be right, sometimes you just make a video because the song seems to need a video. This time it took a while.

It is one of the happiest songs. Hammering drum beats, long, beautiful guitar, all gliding to form a perfect harmony. It made me feel so good I had to listen to it twice. And I will listen to it tonight on the way to the gym. So, thank you, Daddio, thank you Hoopstar, and thank you Surfaris, Life seems a lot nicer all of the sudden.